Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Sing Praise to God,
Sing praise to our King (Psalms 47:6).
Do you want to be FREE from all kinds of Problems, that you are
facing Daily?
Are you praying for a good life Partner?
Are you praying to be free from all Finical Problems?
Are you praying to be blessed abundantly?
Are you praying to be Healed from all kinds of Diseases, which a
Doctor also can’t do anything.
Is your family is broken, do you want to repair it again in the love of
Are you praying for Peace in your Heart and in your Family?
It may be any problem for which you might be Praying. Now, my
dear Brothers and sisters stop worrying and Crying and don’t be
Hopeless, because this GOOD news is for you only.
For us there is a REEDMER, his name is JESUS.
Now, he is talking to you only. Yes, JESUS is talking to you
This is the Promise of God to Everybody. You may be in any Situation, but the
Promise for you. Believe it.
“Because he always does what he Promises, no matter how
much it may Cost “(Psalms 15:4).
Our Lord Say’s, “I will teach you the way you should go”.
I will instruct you and advise you.” (Psalm
1. O Lord, let not be my Thoughts and Acts, but be you’re
thoughts and Acts, in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
2. O Lord, let your Angels walk before me and protect me, in
Jesus name I ask you Lord.
3. Living words of God dwell in my Heart, in Jesus name I ask
you Lord.
4. Creator of Heaven and Earth re-create my Sinful life to
your Holy Life, in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
5. Power of God which raised bones to life, raise up my holy
life, in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
6. Lord, who lead people from Egypt to Israel, lead my life
from darkness to light, in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
7. Living spirit of Jesus, I ask you to advise me in my every
work, in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
8. O spirit of Jesus, I ask you to dwell in my Heart, in Jesus
name I ask you Lord.
9. O, Lord I ask you to bless me according to the riches of
Jesus, in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
10. Every thought of Evils and unclean spirits be burnt up
in Jesus name.
11. Every thought of Idolatry, loose you’r Guard upon my life,
in Jesus name I ask you Lord.
12. Every wicked Spirit and unclean Spirit laying traps in
my life fall me down, get burnt up in Jesus name I
command you
13. Every wall of Sin, blocking my Blessings from Jesus,
get burnt up in Jesus name I command you
14. Every unseen barrier ruling my life, get burnt up in
Jesus name I command you
15. Every Witchcraft evil ruling over my Family members
and loved ones get burnt up in Jesus name I command you.
16. Lord release your thunder fire on my full time
enemies in Jesus name I ask you Lord
17. O Loving God bind me with your Constant Love in
Jesus name I ask you Lord
18. Every unclean Spirit’s blocking my marriage proposals
be nullified in Jesus name
19. Every satanic Spirit’s creating troubles in my life, get
burnt up in Jesus name I command you.
20. Every Spirit of evil engulfing all my property be
chained up and thrown into everlasting fire of hell, in
Jesus name I ask you lord.
21. O Holy Spirit of Jesus I ask you to take control of all
my Organs in Jesus name I ask you lord
22.O Holy Spirit of Lord reform all my Deformed organs to
normal Position in Jesus name I ask you Lord
23. You spirit of Diseases causing all kinds of bacterial
and Viral Disease’s get burnt up in Jesus name I command
you all
24. You unclean spirits of Common Diseases burnt up in
Jesus name.
25. Heavenly Father as you have Protected Job, I ask you
to put a Hedge around me and my Family members, in
Jesus name I ask you lord
26. Every unclean Spirit of evil diverting my blessings be
buried up in Jesus name
27. Every Evil trying to Kill me, let your back bone be
broken up in Jesus name I command you
28. Every Evil Spirits making me, not able to Concentrate
on my studies be killed and Burnt up in Jesus name
29. Lord my God send your angels and protect me from all
my spiritually attacking enemies, in Jesus name I ask you
30. Every Evil Spirits which are trying to bring shame
upon me get burnt up in Jesus name
31. Every unclean spirit’s of lust challenging me in my
every work be burnt up in Jesus name
32. Every unclean spirit’s blocking the embryo’s not to
have children, loose your hold on them , in Jesus name I
command you
33. Lord my Shepherd help me to walk in your paths and
follow your commands, in Jesus name I ask you Lord
34. You, unclean Spirit’s bringing disputes in my Family
members get burnt up in Jesus name I command you
35. Creator of wisdom, I ask you to bless me with Wisdom
and Knowledge in Jesus name I ask you Lord
36. You unclean Spirit of slumber loose your hold on my
life in Jesus name I ask you Lord
37. Every Unclean Spirit of Un justice and Proud loose
your hold on my life in Jesus name I command you
38. Every Evil Spirit’s deviating my Paths from the God’s
Chosen Paths, be burnt up in Jesus name I Command
39. Every arrow of Enemy in my Dream be burnt up in
Jesus name
40. You serpent of Inherited Poverty ,ill Health and martial
Distress be burnt up in Jesus Name
41. Let their be fire on the yoke of Satan upon my life, in
Jesus name I ask you Lord
42. Lord I ask you to release your anointing upon my life,
In Jesus name I ask you lord
43. Every Satanic Barriers be broken up in Jesus name
44.All the people of Lord God Yahweh should know the truth
and must comeback to his Presence, in Jesus name I ask
you Lord
45. Every Spirit of all kinds of Poverty, ill-Health, Distress,
temptations, lust, greed and etc, be nullified with your
plans in Jesus name I Command you
46. Lord, I ask you to take control of all my Organs and
use it for the glory of your’s, in Jesus name I ask you Lord
47. Lord help and Protect me so that no political and
social matters effect my and my family members
48. Lord, shower your blessings on each and Every one
equally and help them, in Jesus name I ask you Lord
49. Lord, you have Spoken and advised all your people
how to be, today I ask you to advise me and be with me, in
Jesus name I ask you Lord

Thank you Lord for Hearing my Cry and answering to My Prayer, in the Precious name
of Jesus I Praise you Lord AMEN.

Let me Know, if you have received any Miracles, so that I may Join you all
and Praise our Lord God HOLY TRINITY GOD.
My E – Mail address is: -


Today I share with you something which is important to
everybody, which contains powerful insights about God and
his Love.
I Request you all to share this Book with all the people who
are looking for the help. And who are in most need of god.
I pray to the God, that whoever reads this copy should be a
blessed person like as ABRAHAM. And to be like a light to all
the people.
God gives wisdom, Knowledge and Happiness to
those who please him (Ecclesiastes 2:26). Yes, this is true, whoever
pleases God, and Our God will care for them and gives what ever they ask in the
Prayer. Now, you will get a doubt, like this
How to Please God?
Answer for the Question is very Simple, to please the God is nothing but loving
him with all your Heart.
Now another doubt arises
How to Love God?
The Bible says according to (John 14:21), “Whoever accepts my
Commandments and obeys them is the one who loves me.”
Some people will think that God will listen to only his people’s (Christians)
prayer and ignores the prayer of other people. But, nobody says that every thing is a
make of the Lord our God. They all forgot that everything is been created by God. If
we read the book of Genesis, we come to know that “in the beginning when
god created the universe, the earth was formless and desolate”
(Genesis 1:1). Their was nothing, no life, no light, nothing was their. Then, God
with his power and Knowledge made everthing beautiful and arranged them in an
order. So, now whatever that is existing is because of Our Lord.
Though we may not know him perfectly, but he is
familiar with all our ways (psalm 139:3) because we are his offspring.
And God says I chose you when I planned creation (Ephesians 1:11-12) and I
knew you even before you were conceived. Today we may be in Troubles,
Temptations, Trials or it may be anything, God is ready to hear our cry and help us.
Only one thing we have to do is to Trust him and love him with all your Heart.
Yes, like all Human beings we are alike and same and though we are
Christians or as the followers of Jesus, we didn’t know him perfectly, and we are in
problems and we are trying our own ways and Solutions to solve our problems. And we
are always busy in pleasing somebody, thinking that he or she may help us, but from
this second onwards stop pleasing and looking unto people and look unto the Father
who is ready to help you and forgive us.
When we ask god for help, he will help us without failing whatever we may
ask God in prayer he will give it to us. Even though with knowingly or unknowingly we
may ask for something in the prayer. God will answer your prayer. If the request
which you have made is correct and suits for you, he gives it to you and if the request
which you have made doesn’t suits for you then his answer will be I have great plans
for you than this. But, he never says NO to your Prayers or requests.
When we are praying, we should never worry about anything or doubt about
anything, but believe and ask because Jesus said in (John 14:13) “And I will
do whatever you ask for me in my name, so that the father’s
glory will be shown through the Son” . And don’t remember all the sins
you have committee in the past and never remember your wrongdoings, which were
not pleasing God.
“Repent sincerely and return to him with fasting and weeping and mourning”
(Joel 2:12). Don’t waste your time in doing all the things which are pleasing the
people of this world and don’t always be busy in doing this worldly works. Without
giving time to God and being BUSY always means
But, rather always be FREE for the Lord our God, which means:
Everything in
(Eloi means my God)
Now it’s time to stop doing the things which are not according to the
commandments of God. But, ask god for help and pray to him with Humble and
faithful heart. “Come back to the Lord your God, because he is KIND
and full of MERCY. He is PATIENT and keeps his PROMISE. He is
always ready to FORGIVE and not PUNISH”. (Joel 2:13).
Today, I want to take you all to the famous story of a Blind man known as
Bartimaeus, who teaches us how to love the Lord our God. According to the Bible
(Mark 10:46 – 52). Bartimaeus is a Blind man; his daily work was begging, sitting
beside the road. He doesn’t know any other work, even though he wants to go, he
cannot because he is a blind man. Just close your eyes for 5 minutes, you will feel as
though you have lost everything. Then what might be the feeling of the old
Bartimaeus, we might think he might have lost his all hope.
But he brought all his hope once back to life when he heard that JESUS was
going through that way, he stopped his daily work( that is begging) he left everything
and all his concentration was upon Jesus, he didn’t care about his belongings but he
was FREE for Jesus and started shouting. “Son of David take, pity on me”. In these
Modern world if we stop doing our daily work and tell them not to do that things
which please God, they simple say that this fellow gone mad and wasting his time
without enjoying, because the chance comes only once.
Even, the crowd around Jesus scolded Bartimaeus to be quiet and shut his
mouth. But he shouted even more loudly.
So, we also should not bother about them and fear fro anybody, but we should
prayer more and more till we get what we want.
At last Bartimaeus got succeeded, Jesus heard his cry and called him and asked
“What do you want me to do for you”?
Jesus didn’t tell that you are blind because you are a sinner and committed
many sins. But he said what you want. Yes, when we call upon Jesus, he listens to our
cry and answers them. What ever may be your problem? I request you all to put it in
your prayer and ask him and be faithful unto him. Because, what God have done in
the past, he will do it now also, believe this. Because, “Jesus Christ is the
same yesterday, today and for ever”. (Hebrews 13:8). “And god
says Iam the Lord and I do not Change” (Malachi 3:6).
Now you might be in tears because of your problems, but God says:
One day I will wipe away every tear from your eyes.
(Revelation 21:3-4)
Because I have always been father, and will always be Father
(Ephesians 3:14 -15).
So, my friends make up your mind unto the Lord because “The day of
the Lord is near” (Joel 1:15). When you pray to God, “Perhaps the Lord your
God will change, his mind and bless you with abundant crops (life). Our prayer should
be like sweet smelling incense to the Lord, be happy and be free for God our Lord,
because “The Lord your God is with you, his Power gives you Victory. “Lord will
take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. He
will sing and be Joyful over you.” ( Zephaniah 3:17).
PRAYER: - Heavenly father, we your children are asking you to hear
our prayer. Father without Knowing your power and love, we were like
sheep’s in the desert without the Shepherd, but Lord today with my
whole heart I give you my Life and Heart. Father I ask you to send your
Holy Spirit into my Life and make me as your dear Son. Father give me
Power and Strength to follow your sweet Son Jesus, Our redeemer and
Saviour. Father, you knew my all Heart desires, “for it is you who gave
those” (Philippians 2:13) to me. Lord, I ask you to be with me in my
every Step and make me successful through all my works and paths.
I ask you to hear my prayer and grant my request in
the precious name of Jesus I ask you Lord. AMEN.
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer and granting my request.

For any prayer request, you can mail me at


It is very funny to hear this word, that your heart is
my field. Iam talking not about my feelings. Iam talking
about the feelings of god Jehova. You might think how this
fellow knows about the feelings of god; this fellow might be
bluffing or making us mad. But wait a minute; just read the
bible once, when we ask god to Speak to us he will Speak to
us without Fail, in the bible it is written that god has spoken
to each and everyone without failing, those all who looked
unto God and asked for help, he didn’t care about their sins
or faults or misdoings. Though we are not faithful to god, but
our god is faithful to us. He knows everything about us.
So, coming to the point, what happened is, one night in
prayer I asked god, what is this everything rubbish and
failures which are happening in my life, Iam praying
everyday and asking your help, but you are not helping me,
actually what is in you mind if you tell me I will follow
according to that, then the next morning I was coming to
home for my lunch from the office, on the way I felt
somebody is speaking to me. I thought it might be somebody
else on the road. Again a voice said your heart belongs to me
and it is my field, then I gave a close attention to the voice
and I asked what is that, somebody in my mind said I will ask
you a question answer me, so I said if I know I will answer or
else not. Then question is this, I made you all, from the mud
in my own image. That means you all belong to me, when I
was making you all, with my own hands, I had a great plan
for you all because I am your Father I know better than you
what you need. And I have few plans for you. I gave my only
son JESUS to you all, so that through him you will all know
that Iam your father.
See, your heart is a fertile land made-up of pure mud;
your heart is for my thoughts. I thought I will sow my seeds
in your land (Heart) and wanted to see you all doing my
works and harvesting all my blessings. But, unfortunately,
you are getting attracted to the worldly treasures and
pleasures and you are sowing the seeds of earthly pleasures
and the earthly thoughts in my field and harvesting all the
the things of the earth and getting suffered under the yolk of
Satan and after that you say god is not helping me, he is not
listening to my Prayer. I want you all to listen to me and Sow
the seeds which Iam giving and want you all to walk
according to my Plans. So, that you will never face any
problems or Failures in your Life. And you will be always a
Winner. I made Promise’s with all your ancestors and
fulfilled all my promises without failing any one of them, now
Iam ready to do the same with you all, I ask you all only one
thing to be as my Son.
I know better than you, what to do and when to do. Now
tell me for whom that field belongs to and who should sow
the seeds and whose seeds should be sowed. The fertile land
(heart) belongs to me and I want to bless you all with my
words which are written in the bible, my words are not a lie
it is not for a joke, it is not for a time pass. Believe and you
will get what you want. Trust in me. IAM THE
When you ask me anything in the prayer I will give it
you without failing, but you should have faith and patience in
me. So that I will make everything clear to you from all the
sides so that in future nothing will touch you or come in your
So, Friends ask God for his Seeds (Plans and Thoughts)
so that we will Harvest the Blessings of God and Lead many
People into his Ways.

My Dear Heavenly Father, teach me the way I should be and Walk, so that I get all the
Blessings you kept for me, help me Father because Iam a weak and Grass like Human Being. Be
with me all the times, Guide and teach me through all my ways and Works. Lord it is in the bible
that call upon me, and I will answer you (Jer: 30, 33:3), lord give me Knowledge and wisdom to read
your word and understand you words and follow you always.
In the Precious name of JESUS I ask you lord. Amen.
Thank you Lord for hearing my Prayer and Granting
my Wish.