Saturday, December 4, 2010

A True Christmas


“My Heart Praises the Lord” my Soul is Glad because of God my Savior, for he has remembered me, his lowly Servant!
From Now on all People will call me Happy, because of the great things the Mighty god has done for me. His name is Holy”. (LUKE 1: 46).

These are the words of Mother Mary, when she came to know that, she is going to give Birth to the Saviour of this World.
How Happy Mary might be when Angel Gabriel said these words to Mary.
Before Angel Gabriel appeared to mother Mary she was a Normal Women, after Angel Gabriel appeared and the Birth of Jesus, Mary came to be known as blessed among the entire Women’s.
Here, is a Small question for you all?
That is why did God choose only Mother Mary?
Why, not any other women in the world and Change the Story.
Because, in the sight of God: Mary is a Faithful and Obedient unto God. And, what the work she did, she did it according to the Word of God. And she Humbled herself and said “I’m the Lord’s Servant” (LUKE 1:38)
Yes, God is ready to do the Great Things in your Life also, but you should follow Jesus according to his Teachings. If you don’t know the TRUE JESUS, read the Bible and Meditate on the Word of God then you will come to Know, His True love for you.
Now, it is the Season of Advent, all over the World People are busy in Shopping for Christmas. Many of them might have prepared a big Agenda for the Christmas Party. And, some might have decorated their houses with beautiful Christmas trees and etc.
This is the Month of thrill for everyone, because we are Celebrating our great Saviour Jesus Birthday.
Still, I remember the days of my Schooling, in those days of Christmas month, as soon as I came from the school; I’ll get ready for the Carols. All my Choir members and me use to go to all the houses of our Parish Members and greet them MERRY CHRISTMAS. I still remember the Gifts which were given to me by Santa Claus.
Now, this Christmas I want to tell you, a Small thing. That, we all are busy in this Christmas, by decorating our Houses and we might be busy in planning, what to cook and some will have plans of making the houses full of Wine Bottles and Cakes. And, some might be Preparing or buying the greeting Cards for their Family members and Friends and Everybody. And, few people have already made their houses clean and Tidy.
And, most of them have already given Invitations to their all known People for the Christmas party.
But, just wait a Minute.
I forgot to ask to you all.
Did you Invited the most Important Person for this party.
Do you got his Name
Yes, his Name is JESUS.
Yes, we forgot to Invite Jesus to this party, we all are doing the things according to the world. But, one thing without Jesus we cannot make a TRUE CHRISTMAS.
In our Life, we might have made many Resolutions like “I WANT TO FOLLOW JESUS”
But, we got failed by facing the problems and getting attracted to the worldly Treasures and their Beauty. Most of the People have lost their Faith in God and thought that everybody is same and there is NO GOD or THERE IS NO JESUS.  And, we made CHRISTMAS a routine like our SUNDAYS, attending to the night masse and doing the same things.  And, following the world as it is going. And, all failures in your every work you are doing.
You, know the reason why this is Happening, It’s because we are not according to the word of God. We should not loose our Hopes; we should ask God, what is my Fault and why I’m getting failed everywhere.  And, getting into sin by temptations. Ask, God for Protection and help.
The secret is that Jesus is living with us as Holy Spirit, if we believe in him and ask him for help surely he will help us. We need the help of Holy Spirit because As the Scriptures say’s, “Whoever believes in me, streams of life giving water will pour out from his Heart” (JOHN: - 7:38).
Here, the streams of living waters means the Holy Spirit, he guides and teaches us everything in our Life.
And, when you have problems or Temptations or any Kind of Sickness or if you are always being Failed, Don’t worry because GOD IS WITH US.
Call him and he will hear your Cry, Shout his name, don’t think that God is not hearing my Prayer. Just ask him “Save us by your might” answer my Prayer (Psalms 108:6).
Remember the story of Elijah, when he said “In the name of the Lord, the Living God of Israel, Whom I serve (1 Kings 17:1). In these Elijah said their will be no rain and their was no rain for 2 or 3 years. That is the faith he has in God.  “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in Prayer”. (Matthew 21:22).
So, my dear Brothers and Sisters and my Friends, believe in the words of the Lord God, because his words are the life giving words. Whatever God spoken is TRUE, without him we are nothing. All his words are Everlasting. “Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away”. (Matthew 23:35).
This Christmas, Start preparing your Hearts and be ready to renew your life in Jesus name. Whatever the wrongs you might have done, forget it all. Stop doing all the things and sins which you are doing without knowing the TRUTH. Be like a Bride waiting for the Bridegroom. So, that Jesus will born in your Heart, and bless you all abundantly.
I’m, not telling you all, not to decorate or Cook delicious foods or invite your friends but make a change this Christmas and be like a TRUE CHRISTIAN. This Christmas make a “RESOLUTION THAT I WILL FOLLOW JESUS”. Forget, all the things happened to you in the past, now  for this Christmas Invite all your Family members, Friends and all whom you know, and Specially for them whom you Hurted or the people who Hurted you very badly. Just greet them, this new Christmas and New Year. Ask, them to forgive you, and Believe me this Christmas is Going to be a Special Christmas for You.
My, saying to you all is, confess you Sins and allow Jesus to enter in you Heart and Celebrate this Christmas as a TRUE CHRISTMAS.
And, I wish you and all your family members a


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N.Moses Arnold.

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